Meridian Ag Services | Brand Video

Meridian is a custom farming operation based around central Alberta that offers silaging, transportation, and farming solutions for a variety of cases. They approached us for a video to use as an advertisement with the goals of increasing brand awareness and educating potential buyers about their offerings. The video was made vertical as Meridian wanted to post it on their Instagram and Facebook pages.

Strategy | Behind the Idea

By using the statement “every farmer in Alberta knows…” in our hook, the video creates an ingroup bias wherein farmers will be more likely to identify with the content and continue watching. It is also important to note that we ensured that the first moments of this video did not feel like an advertisement.

When answering the question asked in the hook, we chose “teamwork” as our ethic and aimed to associate Meridian with this ingroup. Not only is this a generally accepted ethic by farmers that is shared by Meridian, but it is also a necessary prerequisite value for hiring a custom farming service in the first place.

Next, we wanted to deepen emotional intrigue and further build an ingroup association. We opted to focus on the sentiment of legacy in particular, as it appeals to many farmers and is also part of Meridian’s story.

The next step was to associate the brand with the values outlined above while also introducing the services that Meridian offered in a concise manner. We didn’t want people to feel like they were being sold to here, but rather learning some helpful information.

As the video progressed, we leaned into more directly “selling” the service and explaining why one would chose Meridian over their competition. This isn’t the best approach to maximize retention, but with expensive services, it is important to highlight the included value so that potential buyers understand what they are getting BEFORE picking up the phone.

Finally, we ended off the video with some real world testimonials to support the above points after an effective call to action.


Holt Bladeworks Morpheus | Product Video


Troubled Monk | Instagram Reels