JBs Custom Curbing | Facebook Ad

JB’s is a Red Deer based custom curbing service that offers a variety of designer curbing options as well as landscaping services.

Strategy | Behind the Idea

Because this video was explicitly designed to be used as an advertisement on Facebook, we needed to prioritize hooking in our audience and convincing them why they should care.

We opted for a much longer video due to the age range of our audience combined with research suggesting that people over 40 not only tend to watch longer videos all the way to the end, but that these longer videos are better at building sympathetic emotional appeal, which is important when considering that emotion based ads are roughly 200% more effective than logic based ads. (source)

The hook that we used was designed to grab the attention of our ad target - Alberta home owners 35+ - through the use of a relatable pain point, namely, short summers and the resulting struggle of fitting yard work in while still enjoying the season. - JB’s does not just offer beautiful landscaping services, they offer more free time to enjoy the short summers. By addressing the audiences concern directly at the beginning of the video, and re-enforcing the brevity of our summers in Alberta, we naturally incite their interest in the solution that we are offering

Next, we wanted to back up the above claim and provide additional clincher’s to really help drive home the fact that JB’s is trustworthy and reliable. First, we wanted to show the transformation process that JBs can provide as well as visually convey that this process is smooth and fast. For this, we used a before and after shot that flow together and have the same framing in order to show continuity and the “magical overnight transformation” that JBs can provide.

To further support the claim that JBs can in fact live up to the promise of providing beautiful transformations quickly, we also made sure to show their efficient use of equipment and processes, as well as provide audio from interviews with the owner, Josh, where I asked him questions about time efficiency, and how it has contributed to his companies success. It would have been better to use client testimonials, but time did not permit.

Next, we aimed to build trust by including Josh’s answers to questions that I formulated for this explicit purpose. Simply discussing his companies ethics and providing his name, for example, is a small detail that can go a long way.

A call to action was used before the end of the video that invited people to “join a growing community of home owners who chose JBs” and thus leveraged an ingroup bias to get more people to visit his website or call him.


Troubled Monk | Instagram Reels


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